Busy Bees Handbook


The Toddler room serves children between the ages of one year up to two years of age.  Toddlers are taught very simple instructions that can be easily followed so that when they get to the Two’s room, it is not a new concept and are better able to adapt to the new situation.  We encourage all children to play with and give “nice touches” to their friends.  Rough behavior is discouraged with quiet time with a teacher.  Time out is not used with this age group.  The teachers have lesson plans made with weekly and monthly themes.  They do art projects each day, read books, sing songs, and dance.  As children are learning to talk they are being taught simple words and concepts such as colors, numbers, and shapes.  The following is an outline of daily activities as well as a description of each activity and what is learned by the child.


7:30-8:30:  The children start to arrive at the center.  During this time the children are allowed to have free time to play with different toys in the room.


8:00-8:30:  Diaper changes occur during this time.  It is also time for a little bit of structured play.  As it gets closer to 9:00, the children start to put away their toys to get ready to go to the playground to play. Children are encouraged to help pick up toys and put them away.

8:30-9:00:  Hands and faces are washed after playing. Diapers are checked and changed.  The children sit down on the floor while the table is being prepared for breakfast.  Toddlers are encouraged to follow simple instructions by sitting down and waiting for their name to be called so that they may go to the table.  The majority of the children sit at a toddler table, while some of the younger children may sit in individual chairs with trays.  It is a goal that as the children become older they move from the chairs with trays to the table.  Toddlers learn to use a sippy cup and a spoon.


9:00-9:30:  It is playtime!  If the temperature is between 25 degrees and 90 degrees (factoring in wind chill or heat index) the children will go outside to play. Gross motor skills are worked on during this time by learning how to climb up stairs, slide down a slide, and running.


10:00-10:30:  Dance, movement, and sensory


10:30-11:00:  This is directed play with one teacher while the other teacher is doing an art project with a child or as a group.  During this time, they are exposed to different textures and types of art.  Examples are, coloring with crayons and markers, painting, stickers, and Jell-o.


11:00-11:30:  Lunch is served.


11:30-11:45:  There is a combination of free and directed play.  There may be several different types of toys set out to play with.  There is one teacher supervising while the other teacher takes care of the lunch clean up and diaper changes.


11:45-12:00:  The toys are put away and cots/cribs are taken out for nap.  All children sleep on cots (that are located close to the floor) or in cribs. Children 15 months and under will be sleeping in our cribs, children 15 months and above will sleep on our cots.  Children’s House will provide the sheet for the cot/cribs.  They may bring their own blanket and stuffed animal to sleep with as long as it does not make any noise.  Your will need to take them home on Friday’s to be washed.  Toddlers sleep on their stomachs while their backs are patted until they go to sleep.


12:00-2:00:  This is nap time.  If a child wakes up early, they are either patted back to sleep or encouraged to stay on their cot while their friends are sleeping.


2:00-2:30:  The children wake up from nap and have their diapers changed and the cots are put away.


2:30-3:00: Dancing and singing time.


3:00-3:30:  The children will go outside weather permitting.


3:30-4:00:  Playtime is over and they come back to the room.  Their hands and faces are washed and afternoon snack is served and cleanup follows.


4:00-4:30:  Their hands and faces are washed and their diapers are changed.


4:30-5:30:  The parents start to arrive to pick up their child and there is directed play with the teacher.


Open-door Policy:  We welcome all parents to stop by or call to check on your child.  Please feel free to express any concerns or questions at anytime to either one of the teachers about the classroom.


Classroom Setup:  Please label the items you bring in for your child to insure their return.

  • Mailboxes:  Each child has a mailbox located by the door.  Please check them daily for notes and crafts that go home.
  • Hooks: Each child has a hook with their name on it. Each child keeps his or her items separate from other children’s personal belongings. In order to do this, we are asking you to provide two reusable shopping bags (similar to the green bags you can buy at the grocery store) for your child to keep at school. One bag will be used for your child’s jacket and backpack or diaper bag, the other will be used to hold your child’s nap time sheet, blanket, and pillow.
  • Bins:  Each child has a labeled bin (under the diaper changing table).  Please be sure to provide a complete extra set of season appropriate clothes for your child (shirts, pants, socks, etc.).
  • Parent Information Board:  This is the area where parents can gather all the information for our classroom.  Our daily activities will be posted there along with a snack and lunch menu.


Daily Sheets:  Each child will go home with a sheet detailing his or her day.  This includes how long their nap was, time and types of diaper changes, food eaten and how much.  On this sheet, parents will also find notes about any needed supplies.


Potty Training:  In the Toddler room, potty training does not take place.  However, if there is a child that can tell the teacher that he or she has to use the potty, then they are taken or can be placed on the potty at regular diaper changing times.


Medicine:  If your child needs medicine during the day, a Medicine Authorization Form must be filled out.  This form details the type and amount of medication needed, as well as the time is should be given.  DCFS requires a note from the Doctor for all medication.


Absences:  If you know your child will not be attending a day of school or will be coming in late, please call the Children’s House office (523-0122) by 9:00 so we are able to have a lunch count for that day.


Birthday Parties:  We encourage all children to celebrate their special day with their friends.  Due to DCFS regulations, all treats must be store bought.  Also, Children’s House is a peanut free center.  We also have allergies in our room, so please check with us before the treats are brought in.  Thank you!


Meet our Busy Bee teachers:


Ms. Carol Uzman has been working at Children’s House for years. Carol has had experience working with children for over 15 years. She enjoys antique shopping and spending time with her dog, Riley James.


Ms. Shi Tian Zhou has been working at Children’s House in the toddler room for 4 years and has been working in the early childhood for more than 7 years. She has a college degree in Early Childhood Education from China. She used to work at Walt Disney World and “Give a Kid the World” as a cultural representative. “T-T” loves watching movies, playing piano and cooking Chinese food.







Revised Aug. 19, 2013


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