Week of the Young Child

April 13, 2015

Once again this year Children’s House will be celebrating the WEEK OF THE YOUNG CHILD. The Week of the Young Child TM is an annual celebration sponsored by the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC). The purpose of the celebration is to focus attention on the needs of young children and their families; as well as recognize the early childhood programs and services that meet those needs. This year Week of the Young Child is April 12-18.

Below is a list of the exciting-fun activities we have planned here at Children’s House:
April 13th: Is “Music Monday” we will be celebrating the joy of music throughout the center. In the morning with a group sing-a-long with Ms. McKenna & Ms. Alison; and in the afternoon with a dance party to some cool tunes! If ANY of you parents have any musical talents you’d like to share, we would love having you demonstrate! Please let Ms. Judy know if you are able to contribute to this amazing day either in the morning or afternoon, she’ll sign you up!
April 14th: Is “Taco Tuesday” we will of course be serving tacos for lunch and having a speaker come to the classrooms to talk about the importance of nutrition and drinking water. For this day, we ask that each child/family bring in a copy of their favorite recipe so we can compile a cookbook. We will also be discussing exercise and performing “Head-Shoulders-Knees-n-Toes” as our exercise!
April 15th: Is “Artsy Wednesday” for this day the children will be designing and creating many pieces of art for an Art Gallery in the hallways! It’s going to be so fun to see all of the creativity flowing! The children will also be doing art activity outside as well. Again, if any of you would like to join in the fun or come show off some of your “artsy” talents just let Judy know!

April 16th: Is “Work Together Thursday” the night we’ve all been waiting for! On this evening we will be hosting an “Open House” type event from 5:30-6:30pm. This event allows children to take their parents to each room and participate in activities that are based from different learning experiences occurring here at Children’s House each day! With Science in the Shooting Stars room, Art in the Rainbow Room, Blocks and Building in the Sunshine Room and Puzzles in the Chickadee Room. Also, Ms. Nicole will be in the main hallway hoping to catch all our parents to help create a nice group painting! We will exhibit many things to show and tell about! How exciting!!!
April 17th: Is “Family Friday” and with this day we will promote Pajama Day! With Pajama Day we ask each child to bring in their favorite bedtime story book to share with his/her class. The books will be read during the day until each one has been read. And, what is just as important as family and comfort? Ice Cream! Therefore, on Family Friday at 3:30pm Ms. Judy and Ms. Michelle will be hosting a Sundae Social in Merriam Hall for all of the Children’s House children, parents and staff. We look so forward to seeing each of you! Please be sure to sign up before/on Friday morning at the check-in computer area! Together let us celebrate our children and child care professionals that meet the needs of your young children!

**Ms. Judy will be sending out tidbits as well, to further describe the importance of our activities. There are many things that can be learned with each of our planned activities. So be on the lookout for her upcoming e-mails!